Table explanation

In the highlights table, we list the best executed element of each type. A well executed element will therefore not appear in the list if the same element was executed even better by someone else.

Jumps with a different number of rotations (eg. 1Lo and 2Lo) and spins with different levels (eg. LSp1 and LSp2) are counted as different elements.

If the best jump was under-rotated or downgraded (eg. 1Lo< or 2Lo<<), was annotated a sequence (eg. 2Lo + 1Lo + SEQ) or was given too much point deduction, it will not appear in the list. The higher the base value of the element, the more deductions are accepted.

The table is sorted according to highest total score, and the best executed element in the competition (in terms of highest goe) may appear way down the list.


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