Competition | City | Date | Category | Score | No | Watch | |
1 | Norgescup 2 i 2024-25 | Fredrikstad | 2024-09-28 | Springs | 20.81 | 3 | details |
2 | Skate Copenhagen 2024 | Hvidovre | 2024-04-05 | Basic novice | 21.98 | 7 | details |
3 | Regionsmesterskap Oslo og Akershus 2024 | Asker | 2024-02-17 | Cubs | 23.45 | 3 | details |
4 | Norgescup 11 i 2023-24 | Sarpsborg | 2024-02-09 | Cubs | 20.38 | 4 | details |
5 | Nasjonalt Stevne 3 i 2023-24 | Bærum | 2024-01-06 | Cubs | 23.28 | 3 | details |
Is the name of the skater incorrectly spelled?